Pakistan art is very unique and bold from my perspective. The reason why i say bold is because of the nature that one sees with Pakistan art. Looking at this piece right here By Nillofur Farrukh one can reiterate many ideas of what this piece is trying to portray. That right there is why i is very bold because from the Pakistan art i have viewed i see this sense of creativity that makes everyone choose their own thoughts of what the art is trying to portray. Art in Pakistan could be very popular and it could be un-popular but i only care about is the structure of where they get their ideas in making a piece like Farrukh's. People get to rapped up into the history of how art exploded into the scene of the Pakistan culture and so on and so forth. The one thing people should be focusing on is how can someone come up with such incredible ideas to make a beautiful piece because isn't that what art is all about?
Very well thought out. I agree with your thoughts of how people should focus more on how beauty of the piece, rather than background of it.