Zubeida Agha was the first painter to have an exhibition of modern paintings, and the most unique factor particular to this achievement to me is that Zubeida was a woman. Her style was unique because she not only incorporated Pakistani techniques, but within her studies in Europe was she also able to create a mixture between the two regions. Although she painted a variety of things, she dedicated most of her time to landscapes and people. From her studies at Kinnaird College in Lahore was Agha able to create abstract “idea” paintings that can largely be attributed to her studies in political science and philosophy. Agha was so highly regarded in Pakistan’s culture that in August of 2006 the Pakistan Post issued stamps that honored 10 of the most outstanding artists, and she was one of them. I think this is possibly one of, or perhaps the most intriguing accomplishments of her lifetime. Can you imagine being regarded as one of the best and most influential figures at your profession, and then having your face and artwork displayed on a collection of stamps? This to me is not only a way of thanking a person for their unique contributions to a nation’s history, but also a way of marking the beginning of what will hopefully be a long lasting tradition in Pakistani arts.
I like your thoughts with the history of art in Pakistan very much. i felt that i learned more about the contemporary art in Pakistan from your piece than i would have from any google article